How Will Technology Equip Us With More Abilities Than a Human?
Nov 15,2016

A lot of new technologies and innovations keep coming with promises to make human beings more equipped with larger than life abilities. Do not get puzzled. Technology is not going to change the way we walk or talk, but it can certainly let us do more with our so called god-gifted sensory organs and perceptions. Well, in some years from now direct brain to brain communication can be a reality much in the way computers communicate among themselves without pronouncing a word. Sounds futuristic, crazy? But cool down dude, we are slowly heading towards such a reality. Let us have a look at some of the ways this is going to happen.

A Brain Turned To Computer – The Curious Case Of Michel Chorost

A Brain Turned To Computer

Decades before we had the curious case of Mr. Stephen Hawking, the great physicist who after getting completely paralyzed and losing his ability to talk had been provided high-tech computer led neuro-sensing technology for communication. The curious case of Michael Chorost can easily be described as a step ahead in comparison to the speech technology provided for Mr. Hawking.  After suffering from a hearing impairment throughout his life, Chorost has been given a cochlear implant inside his brain, which not only restored normal hearing but enabled him with more capabilities.

Enhancing human capabilities by high-tech implants and wearables have already become a trending specialization for many research labs, institutions, and tech companies. Such success stories like that of Chorost are only strengthening the hope for overcoming all kinds of disabilities through new technologies.

What The Implant Resulted In The Life Of Mr. Chorost?

Are you skeptical about the power technology in allowing you to see more or hearing the imperceptible or running faster than anyone can think? Well, such skepticism is going to be a matter of past soon. According to reports, the implant not only completely solved the hearing impairment suffered by the person for so long, but it also gave him to listen more than anyone can hear with normal human ears. Even tiny, imperceptible sounds are heard and recognized clearly thanks to this new implant.

Do you know scientists at the University of Washington already have completed an innovation what is interpreted by many as the most complex and capable brain-to-brain communication ever happened? Well, such experiments are nerve racking because of the revolutionary possibilities they offer.  In the experiment two people located in places separated by a mile of distance played a game comprising of only “20 Questions” and to communicate with each other they only used their brainwaves which are nothing but an imperceptible flash of light along with an internet connection for communication purpose.

What About The Brain To Brain Emailing Or Messaging?

Brain To Brain Emailing Or Messaging

Brain-to-brain communication and interfaces have got attention from scientists and geeks from all over the world and in the past researchers also ventured to let rats communicate through connecting their brains with “organic computers”.

But when it comes to humans, the technology still demands a lot of development from the basic and underdeveloped condition it is still in. The biggest challenge is that most of the advanced brain-to-brain interfaces need accessing the alma mater directly and that presupposes huge medical risk. Besides the risk of life in the name of scientific research, the limited knowledge in the way brain elements function is also a major challenge for developing such interfaces and connecting them to the human brain.


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